
Ring out the old, ring in the new

Ring out the old, ring in the new

Happy 2017, everybody! I just wrapped up on my first week at UW's CoMotion Labs, a coworking space for people working with augmented and virtual reality. As much as I love…
Upcoming Ignite Seattle talk

Upcoming Ignite Seattle talk

Last week I pitched a talk for Ignite Seattle's 10-year anniversary, and today the organizers emailed to let me know that it's been accepted! Which means I'd better get to crafting a PowerPoint. Hard…
*audible sparkling*

*audible sparkling*

Today marks one week since I started prototyping in Unity on the Vive. My current project is to create a networked multi-player VR experience inspired by the playground game "Red Light/Green Light." In my version—…
New site is live!

New site is live!

And so it begins. My reward for completing this long-overdue website overhaul? Some free time to enjoy the Steam VR Weekend Sale Bundle, given to me as a gift by my amazing husband! He and…